Sunday, July 1, 2012

Update update update!! 7/01/12

Here's what happened yesterday:
1. Had a mommys day out
2. went into labor
3. had a home birth
4. HAD TRIPLETS!!!!!!!!!!
5. Adam turned 1 (toddler)
6. Branden turned 1 (toddler)
Welcome: Chrissy, Drake, And Ella! Born sat 7/01/12 at 10:10 (Chrissy) 10:15 (Drake) And 10:18 (Ella) 
Yep 2 girls and 1 boy!! Savy i made your wish come true :)
Here are some memories:

Memory: Went to the Supermarket
A trip to the supermarket may be part of an ordinary day, but some Sims can make the drudgery of produce shopping into an event! Watermelons and cakes! Yummy yum yum!
(Another memory with this pic)
 Memory: Went Shopping
A satisfying shopping trip means returning home with an armful of bags! Time to go to the bookstore for some counting books :D

Memory: Went to the Bookstore
A bookstore is a fine place to spend an afternoon for bookworms and students alike! Books for the twins birthday :)

(these next 2 memories had pics of a drawn out city)
Memory: Went to the Spa
A day of indulgence at the spa is just the thing to relax and refresh a Sim! Its best for a pregnant woman to get a makeover!

Memory: Saw a Movie
Going to a movie is always a memorable time, whether it's a thoughtful art flick or a mindless action romp. I loved the part where he told his girlfriend that he cheated on her and she dumped his sorry (beep)

(this next picture is to disturbing to put on here) (btw its lewis's memory not holleys)
Memory: Had Triplets
One baby is delightful, two babies are a handful, but three babies are an overwhelming amount of cooing, gurgling joy! I'm so Happy for these triplets :D

Memory: Had Triplets
One baby is delightful, two babies are a handful, but three babies are an overwhelming amount of cooing, gurgling joy! Woah! I just had triplets YAY!

Memory: Picked Up Chrissy
Such a cute little bundle of would be a delight to hold this one for hours! Her pretty face just makes me smile :)

Memory: Picked Up Drake
Such a cute little bundle of would be a delight to hold this one for hours! His little fingers :)
(btw this is the girls nursery not the boys)

Memory: Picked Up Ella
Such a cute little bundle of would be a delight to hold this one for hours! I love my children but ella seems magical ....

Memory: Adam Garcia Became a Toddler
It seems like it was just yesterday that Adam Garcia was a helpless baby wrapped up in a blanket. Kids grow up so fast! Now we have to teach the twins lots of things :)

Memory: Branden Garcia Became a Toddler
It seems like it was just yesterday that Branden Garcia was a helpless baby wrapped up in a blanket. Kids grow up so fast! Now lets Potty train, Teach to walk , and teach to talk :D

Now for What holley and lewis said:
 Holley says: The twins are sleeping and i'm in bed having a home birth!  No pain killers makes it hard but its ok i can make it. OW!
 Holley says: I had triplets!!! 2 girls 1 boy! Thank you God for a smooth home birth :)
P.s if you want to see the memory pics clearly go to my page on sims 3 my user is holleyhoneysweet.

Thanks everyone!!! btw if you want to name one of the new babies you can! My next letter is F (plz do a boy and girl name) - Holley


  1. Omg u used my D name :)) Thanks girlly!
    I have quite a few name suggestions.
    1. Fiaso (pronouced Fee as co ) -female or male-
    2. Faris (like paris) - i would say female-
    3. Fabiana (Fab ee on a) -female-
    4. Fabiano (Fab ee on o) -male-
    5. Fabian (Fabe ee an) -male-
