Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Update update update! 7/10/12

Here's what happened yesterday:
1. Went on a vacation to paris
2. got a promotion
3. all the kids (except Fabiano) went to school for the first time (elementary and high school)
4. Holley published a new book called Who killed Harry Peterson
5.  The kids learned The logic skill
6. Adam got a mood swing
7. Branden discovered 2 new stars
8. The kids all went on there 1st field trip
9. Prom is coming up!
10. The teens are looking for dates for the prom
11. Lewis almost died
12. The 2 parents went on a free vacation
(my game crashed when i went to Paris so i couldn't do anything so my story is that someone got sick and they had to go home)
Here are some memories from yesterday:

Got a Promotion
A promotion is recognition of one's hard work and dedication to the job. The top level doesn't seem that far away! Yes!

Learned Logic
Learning the basics of any skill, but especially Logic, can be an uphill battle, but the rewards of new knowledge are certainly worth the pain. Logic is in my mind!

Started Having a Mood Swing
Raging hormones can turn even the most level-headed teen into a ball of conflicting emotions. Parents better steer clear! UH OH!

Learned Logic
Learning the basics of any skill, but especially Logic, can be an uphill battle, but the rewards of new knowledge are certainly worth the pain. Look at all the stars and planets.

Picked Up Fabiano
Such a cute little bundle of joy...it would be a delight to hold this one for hours! My little baby brother is so cute :)

Discovered a Star
Viewing that twinkling star will always hold a special thrill of remembering the first time it was spotted. Wow its so beautiful.

First Day of School!
The first day of school is full of mixed emotions: fear, excitement and anticipation about the upcoming school year! Wow its nice here!
(this pic has more then 1 memory)
First Day of School!
The first day of school is full of mixed emotions: fear, excitement and anticipation about the upcoming school year! -gulps- this is um scary....
First Day of School!
The first day of school is full of mixed emotions: fear, excitement and anticipation about the upcoming school year! Wow this is gonna be awesome!

(the next 2 pics have a drawn out apple)
Worked on Homework with Ella Garcia
Sometimes two heads are better than one! Working on homework with another Sim always seems to make the drudgery go by faster. Woohoo!
Worked on Homework with Chrissy Garcia
Sometimes two heads are better than one! Working on homework with another Sim always seems to make the drudgery go by faster. Yes!

Reached Level 5 of Logic
One level closer...the top doesn't seem so far away now! Yes!!!!!!!!

(the next 3 pic have drawn out buildings)
Visited the Graveyard
A graveyard can be an eerie place, but it is nice to pay homage to those Sims who have passed on. Woah..........
Visited the Graveyard
A graveyard can be an eerie place, but it is nice to pay homage to those Sims who have passed on. Its so kool here!
Visited the Graveyard
A graveyard can be an eerie place, but it is nice to pay homage to those Sims who have passed on. Creepy!

Went to the Library
For bookworms, there are few things more joyful than thumbing through old volumes of Simpedia Expandia at the local library. I <3 books!

(the next 3 pics have drawn out apples)
Went on a Field Trip
Visiting this fascinating place with the rest of the class was almost as memorable as the bus ride back! Wow!
Went on a Field Trip
Visiting this fascinating place with the rest of the class was almost as memorable as the bus ride back! That was amazing!
Went on a Field Trip
Visiting this fascinating place with the rest of the class was almost as memorable as the bus ride back! AWESOME!!

(the next pic is a drawn out piece of junk lol)
Discovered Some Metal!
A metallic discovery is a glimmering hunk of valuable treasure. Oh, the possibilities of what can be created with this! Yay?

Here are some things Holley, Lewis, Adam, Branden, Chrissy, Drake, And Ella said yesterday:
 Holley says: We came home early because someone got sick
 Holley says: Everyone is asleep and i'm just doing my own thing
 Holley says: My new book Who killed Harry Peterson is now out for 45$ Buy it now!
 Holley says: My new novel has been started. Its a romantic novel.............. I won't tell you what its about but its based on a true story!
 Lewis says: In 24 hours i die.................. :(
 Holley says: I'm going on vacation! Bye!!
 Lewis says: The firefighters got me unstuck. I'm on vacation! I'M NOT GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!
 Branden says: My lifetime wish is to become a scientist!
 Adam says: Ugh i want to throw a teen party but i have no friends!
 Branden says: I discovered a new star!
 branden says: Ugh its hard to take care of kids............... Especially Adam >:@
 Holley says: We called the kids tonight and they are doing fine but they are all nervous for their first days of elementary school and High school. I'm sorry we couldn't be there with them.
 Drake says: ADAM! you scared the heck out of me ;(
 Chrissy says: First day of school..... I'm kinda nervous.
 Drake says: First day of school.... I'm not as smart as my brother's and sister's but i'm good.
 Ella says: First day of school huh... This'll be a piece of cake!
Adam says: High school.......... First day...... This can't be good!
 Adam says: I GOT PRANKED! I'm supposed to be the one pranking people!
 Branden says: I discovered a new star and named it Snow Star!
 Holley says: Our flight lands in an hour.
 Lewis says: We finally landed. Yay more time to see [name can't be disclosed]
Adam says: Me and Branden need to find dates for the prom!
 Chrissy says: Best first field trip eva!
 Drake says: Creepy but awesome!
 Ella says: ... I'm speechless!

I'm going on a vacation for a week in 1 week and 2 days.
Hope you have an awesome day
Happy birthday to my brother Aj! Visit his blog at www.ajsmooth50.blogspot.com!!
Thanks to my producer and everyone who see's my blog.
- Holley <3

Monday, July 9, 2012

No update today but tomorrow there will be a big one!

I got tired and i didn't want to play. Today i played alot so expect a great one tomorrow!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

SUPER DUPER ALLY OOPER GIANT UPDATE! 7/7/12 - 7/8/12 update!

Here's what happened 2 days ago and yesterday:
1. Chrissy was potty trained
2. Chrissy learned how to walk
3. Chrissy learned how to talk
4. Adam Went to school for the first time!
5. Branden went to school for the first time
6. Lewis was invited to a party
7. Lewis went to a party
8. Lewis got a promotion
9. Adam and Branden went on a field trip
10. Branden found out he wants to be a science guy
11. Lewis is found cheating on Holley with his boss (name won't be disclosed)
12. Lewis and "his boss" had their first kiss
13. Lewis made out in the hot tub with holley
14. Lewis earned a raise.
15. Adam got on the honor roll
16. Branden got on the honor roll
17. Lewis got another promotion
18. Adam and his "imaginary friend fluffs" became teens
19. Branden and his "imaginary friend pal" became teens
20. Chrissy became a ki
21. Drake became a kids
22. Ella became a kid
23. Fabiano became a toddler
24. Lewis got another invitation to "his boss's" party.
25. Lewis began going to the party....

Here are ALOT of memories:

Taught Chrissy Garcia to Walk
Watching a child take their first shaky steps in life is a moment that could fill just about any Sim's heart with joy. Responsible adults must always keep an eye on the little tyke or they might tottle off into danger! Such a memorable moment! I can't believe the triplets all know how to walk!
(p.s i learned how to make them clearer!)

Taught Chrissy Garcia to Walk
Watching a child take their first shaky steps in life is a moment that could fill just about any Sim's heart with joy. Responsible adults must always keep an eye on the little tyke or they might tottle off into danger! Yay holley!

Taught Chrissy Garcia to Talk
Teaching a child to talk is an important milestone in their life. Just don't teach them to talk back! Holley just taught Chrissy how to talk! Now they all know how to talk!

Taught Chrissy Garcia to Talk
Teaching a child to talk is an important milestone in their life. Just don't teach them to talk back! The triplets are all almost trained!

Potty Trained Chrissy Garcia
Potty training Chrissy Garcia was a bit of a messy venture, but the moment where she finally graduated to the big kid toilet was certainly memorable! Oh gosh it was a rough night. SHE DIDN'T WANT TO SIT STILL!

Potty Trained Chrissy Garcia
Potty training Chrissy Garcia was a bit of a messy venture, but the moment where she finally graduated to the big kid toilet was certainly memorable! Holley needs a good rest

Used a Potty Chair
Just like a grown up! So much better than doing that business in a diaper. So much better then diapers!

Used a Potty Chair
Just like a grown up! So much better than doing that business in a diaper. Toilets, toilets, toilets!

(The next memories had pics of a drawn out apple)

 First Day of School!
The first day of school is full of mixed emotions: fear, excitement and anticipation about the upcoming school year! Yay!

First Day of School!
The first day of school is full of mixed emotions: fear, excitement and anticipation about the upcoming school year! I can't believe it!

Received a Party Invitation
Getting a party invitation is a welcome gesture that guarantees a night of social bonding is in store! Yes yes yes! PARTY TIME!

Received a Party Invitation
Getting a party invitation is a welcome gesture that guarantees a night of social bonding is in store! i love my toy 

Received a Party Invitation
Getting a party invitation is a welcome gesture that guarantees a night of social bonding is in store! -sings to toy-

Received a Party Invitation
Getting a party invitation is a welcome gesture that guarantees a night of social bonding is in store! goo goo gaa gaa

(this next memory had a pic of a drawn out apple)

Received a Party Invitation
Getting a party invitation is a welcome gesture that guarantees a night of social bonding is in store! I hope we go :)

 Received a Party Invitation
Getting a party invitation is a welcome gesture that guarantees a night of social bonding is in store! It might be fun.....

(the next 2 memories have pics of drawn out books)

 Attended (the name has been kept secret) Party
It's always so nice to spend time surrounded by a group of pals. I'm sorry to my family because they couldn't come :(

 Saw a Deer
You were stock-still as you first caught a glimpse of the Deer. One sudden movement and the deer might of scurried off in fright! Woah....

Got a Promotion
A promotion is recognition of one's hard work and dedication to the job. The top level doesn't seem that far away! OH YEAH!

(the next memory had a pic of a drawn out apple)

 Went on a Field Trip
Visiting this fascinating place with the rest of the class was almost as memorable as the bus ride back! IT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!

Confessed Attraction to (the name has been kept secret)
It took some nerves, but admitting one's attraction may lead to a path of beautiful new memories! I'm in love <3

Become Romantic with (name kept secret)
Going from mere acquaintances to a romantic interest is the start of tender words, stolen kisses, and makeout afternoons. Oh heck ya! I love her and she will be my new bride to be.

First Kiss with (name kept secret)
That first kiss with (name kept secret) was a special moment. It started off with nervous anticipation and ended in the magical moment where their lips first met! I love her but i love my kids...... Custody?

Made Out in a Hot Tub with Holley Garcia
A steamy makeout with Holley Garcia...now that was a great time! I was thinking off (name kept secret) the whole time........ Btw she's my lover/boss.

Used a Potty Chair
Just like a grown up! So much better than doing that business in a diaper. Much better :)

(the next memory had a drawn out desk/w person pic)

Earned a Raise
Getting a raise at work isn't easy, but hard work and dedication will always pay off! Yes!

Burnt a Meal
What a sad ruined meal! Next time, remember to be a little less careless while cooking. Ugh i knew i set the oven to high!

(the next few memories have drawn out apples, books, and desks/w person pics)

Got on the Honor Roll
After spending long hours toiling on homework, getting on the honor roll is a fitting reward! Yes! I knew i could do it on my last day of elementary school!

Got on the Honor Roll
After spending long hours toiling on homework, getting on the honor roll is a fitting reward! Yay! I got an honor roll. My science teacher even thanked me for doing so well in science :)

Saw a Wild Horse
After seeing the Wild Horse, you knew deep down, that you and the horse were destined to cross paths again… Woah................

Got a Promotion
A promotion is recognition of one's hard work and dedication to the job. The top level doesn't seem that far away! Oh yeah! I'm the devision manager!

Adam Garcia Became a Teen
When a child becomes a teen, it's time for the parental stress to go into overdrive! Driving lessons............

Fluffs Garcia Became a Teen
When a child becomes a teen, it's time for the parental stress to go into overdrive! Oh yeah!!

Branden Garcia Became a Teen
When a child becomes a teen, it's time for the parental stress to go into overdrive! Driving here we come!

Pal Garcia Became a Teen
When a child becomes a teen, it's time for the parental stress to go into overdrive! Yay!

Received a Party Invitation
Getting a party invitation is a welcome gesture that guarantees a night of social bonding is in store! Again? THIS TIME I CAN GO!

Received a Party Invitation
Getting a party invitation is a welcome gesture that guarantees a night of social bonding is in store! Hmm seems fun!

Received a Party Invitation
Getting a party invitation is a welcome gesture that guarantees a night of social bonding is in store! Oh yay!

Received a Party Invitation
Getting a party invitation is a welcome gesture that guarantees a night of social bonding is in store! Yay.

Received a Party Invitation
Getting a party invitation is a welcome gesture that guarantees a night of social bonding is in store! but todays my birthday :)

Received a Party Invitation
Getting a party invitation is a welcome gesture that guarantees a night of social bonding is in store! Goo Gaa

Received a Party Invitation
Getting a party invitation is a welcome gesture that guarantees a night of social bonding is in store! YAY MAYBE I CAN GO SINCE I'M 10! (well not in this pic but after this pic i turned 10)

Received a Party Invitation
Getting a party invitation is a welcome gesture that guarantees a night of social bonding is in store! Woohoo but i'm gonna stay home and work on my science!

Chrissy Garcia Became a Child
Those toddler years sure go be fast! What'll be next? That whippersnapper will be driving a car in no time! Honor roll! They grow up so fast :)

Drake Garcia Became a Child
Those toddler years sure go be fast! What'll be next? That whippersnapper will be driving a car in no time! Honor roll next!

Ella Garcia Became a Child
Those toddler years sure go be fast! What'll be next? That whippersnapper will be driving a car in no time! The triplets are finally kids!

Fabiano Garcia Became a Toddler
It seems like it was just yesterday that Fabiano Garcia was a helpless baby wrapped up in a blanket. Kids grow up so fast! Oh and the training days are back!

Picked Up Fabiano
Such a cute little bundle of joy...it would be a delight to hold this one for hours! Aww my baby brother :)

(p.s when everyone aged up i gave them a makeover so anything before the last pic was before the makeover but the last pic is after the makeovers)

Here's what Holley, Lewis, Adam, Branden, Chrissy, Drake, And Ella said:
 Holley says: Chrissy can walk now!!
 Lewis says: The toddlers are growing up so fast!!
 Adam says: Haha the bunny was chasing the dog! I love the dog vs bunny show!
 Branden says: I love The animals come to town show! Its the best :)
 Holley says: Its the twins first day of school tomorrow! I'm nervous and excited at the same time!!
 Lewis says: Twins first day of school tomorrow!?!?!?!?! NO!
 Holley says: Chrissy said her first word! It was hammer XD
 Holley says: The triplets have completed the training
 Lewis says: The triplets are growing up fast!
 Adam says: Just got on the bus and its scary i'm so nervous! But its great that i have a brother!
 Branden says: Woah this is kinda scary! I'm sitting next to my brother and i'm a little nervous!
 Lewis says: We're going to a party!
 Holley says: I hope we can get a baby sitter!
 Adam says: I can't wait for the party!
 Branden says: Oh yay a party!
 Lewis says: ADAM! YOU ARE SO GROUNDED! Pink hair and a whoopi cushion >:(
 Holley says: We couldn't go to the party since adam got in trouble and everyone is just so cranky.
 Adam says: Its not my fault we couldn't go to the party!
 Branden says: Thanks alot adam :(
 Lewis says: I did something horrible but actually very very good!
 Lewis says: Those flowers were given to me by my boss/Lover..... I went to her party and i had to leave due to her husband was there.
 Branden says: I love science its kool
 Lewis says: About to meet my boss at the community garden. me and her have a connection :)
 Holley says: While i'm at home taking care of 6 kids Lewis is working overtime. Poor Lewis.
 Lewis says: i called Holley saying i was working overtime but no i'm out with my lover/boss. I hope my kids don't find out.
 Adam says: Daddy has to work overtime but i want to say goodnight before bedtime :(
 Branden says: Daddy where are you please come home for a good night kiss :(
 Holley says: Lewis is at work and the twins are at school 3 out of my other 4 at home are sleeping and the other one is playing with her toys.
 Holley says: Its cleaning time!
 Holley says: Nap time!
 Branden says: The school's counsler thinks i neeed to make friends and throw a sleep over...
 Branden says: I have a confession... My imaginary friend pal has been playing those pranks on dad and he blames it on Adam. :(
 Adam says: You know when your being punished when someone blames you for something you didn't do!
 Holley says: Tonight i let Branden sleep in me and Lewis's bed and i read him a bedtime story :)
 Holley says: I baked a fresh batch of watermelon pancakes! YUM!!
 Holley says: Lewis is at work the twins are at school. 2/4 are sleeping the other 2 are in their swings :)
 Lewis says: Oh gosh i'm so stressed i hope everythings alright at home
 Adam says: More homework...... yay?
 Branden says: I like science and i want to be enrolled into a boarding school for science
 Branden says: There might not be any boarding schools on science but there are books, classes, and my science teacher is having a science scavenger hunt! :D
Lewis says: Tomorrow is the big day! Adam and branden turn teens! Chrissy, Drake, and Ella all turn kids! And Fabiano turns to a toddler!
 Adam says: Guess who got an honor roll? ME!
 Branden says: I got an honor roll! My science teacher thanked me for doing so well in science :)
 Lewis says: I got a promotion! And my 2 oldest got honor rolls!
 Holley says: I'm so proud of Adam and Branden :)
 Branden says: MY HAIR! MY HAIR! ITS PINK!! PAL......!!!!!!!!
 Lewis says: Everyones going to bed. NIGHT!
 Holley says: Shower then clean then sleep but NIGHT!
 Adam says: Homework then sleep ugh!
 Branden says: Night everyone!
 Lewis and Holley say: Happy birthday to all of our kids :)
 Lewis: I won't punish Adam on his birthday but tomorrow he's in so much trouble.
 Lewis says: Everyone's just chillin on their birthday :)
 Adam says: Oh yay its my birthday!
 Branden says: Happy birthday to everyone of my siblings :)

Here are some things i forgot to mention:
Happy birthday Adam!
 Happy Birthday Branden!
 Happy Birthday Chrissy!
 Happy Birthday Drake!
 Happy Birthday Ella!
 Happy Birthday Fabiano!
Ok now that that's done i want to apologize for not doing a big update yesterday and going over my time limit on when this was gonna be posted. I had so much fun and the house looks better now and so do holley's kids! Thanks everyone and see you tomorrow - Holley <3

So sorry about yesterday

 Idk what happened but i never did my big update but today i will combine 2 HUGE updates and make this one super duper ally ooper GIANT UPDATE! Get ready for it! Its gonna be out by 12:40 or 1:00

Friday, July 6, 2012

No update today but a HUGE update tomorrow

No update today sorry but i didn't feel well. BUT! To make up for that i have a HUGE and surprise twist update tomorrow that might be so shocking but its true!!!!! Can't wait for tomorrow? I know!
Thanks everyone - Holley <3

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Update!! 7/5/12

Here's what happened yesterday:
1. Ella was potty trained
2. Drake was potty trained
3. Ella learned how to talk
4. Drake learned how to talk
5. Ella learned how to walk
6. Drake learned how to walk
7. Ella and Drake are officially trained
8. Adam got an imaginary friend
9. Branden got an imaginary friend
10. Happy July 4th!!

Memories of yesterday:

Memory: Picked Up Fabiano
Such a cute little bundle of joy...it would be a delight to hold this one for hours! Such a cute one this is! My 6th and final child :)

Memory: Worked on Homework with Branden Garcia
Sometimes two heads are better than one! Working on homework with another Sim always seems to make the drudgery go by faster. I love my brother he's always nice :)

Memory: Worked on Homework with Adam Garcia
Sometimes two heads are better than one! Working on homework with another Sim always seems to make the drudgery go by faster. I'm the smarter one so i like to help my brother out!

Memory: Taught Ella Garcia to Walk
Watching a child take their first shaky steps in life is a moment that could fill just about any Sim's heart with joy. Responsible adults must always keep an eye on the little tyke or they might tottle off into danger! Good job Holley!

Memory: Taught Ella Garcia to Walk
Watching a child take their first shaky steps in life is a moment that could fill just about any Sim's heart with joy. Responsible adults must always keep an eye on the little tyke or they might tottle off into danger! I did it! What a great memory!

Memory: Taught Drake Garcia to Talk
Teaching a child to talk is an important milestone in their life. Just don't teach them to talk back! Yes! 1 down 2 to go!

Memory: Taught Drake Garcia to Talk
Teaching a child to talk is an important milestone in their life. Just don't teach them to talk back! He did it! Lewis actually did it!

Memory: Taught Ella Garcia to Talk
Teaching a child to talk is an important milestone in their life. Just don't teach them to talk back! Holley does it again!

Memory: Taught Ella Garcia to Talk
Teaching a child to talk is an important milestone in their life. Just don't teach them to talk back! Aww so cute :)

Memory: Taught Drake Garcia to Walk
Watching a child take their first shaky steps in life is a moment that could fill just about any Sim's heart with joy. Responsible adults must always keep an eye on the little tyke or they might tottle off into danger! So cute how Drake walks :)

Memory: Taught Drake Garcia to Walk
Watching a child take their first shaky steps in life is a moment that could fill just about any Sim's heart with joy. Responsible adults must always keep an eye on the little tyke or they might tottle off into danger! Lewis (yawns) did it yay...!

Memory: Potty Trained Ella Garcia
Potty training Ella Garcia was a bit of a messy venture, but the moment where she finally graduated to the big kid toilet was certainly memorable! Holley did it and now its my turn!

Memory: Potty Trained Ella Garcia
Potty training Ella Garcia was a bit of a messy venture, but the moment where she finally graduated to the big kid toilet was certainly memorable! I did it! Now its Chrissy's turn

Memory: Potty Trained Drake Garcia
Potty training Drake Garcia was a bit of a messy venture, but the moment where he finally graduated to the big kid toilet was certainly memorable! Now i'm going to sleep (Yawns)

Memory: Potty Trained Drake Garcia
Potty training Drake Garcia was a bit of a messy venture, but the moment where he finally graduated to the big kid toilet was certainly memorable! Good job Lewis!

What Lewis, Holley, Adam, and Branden said yesterday:
Lewis says: Just put everyone to bed and now going to sleep
Adam says: I just worked on my homework with my brother now i'm playing with my imaginary friend!
Holley says: Today is training day for the triplets! My job is to teach Ella and Chrissy!
Holley says: Chrissy learned how to walk!
 Lewis says:  Aw training day! Well this should turn out to be a somewhat of a good day!
 Branden says: I have chores! While i clean my brother tells ghost storys to his imaginary friend!
 Adam says: Fluffs my imaginary friend scared me half to death!
 Branden says: I'm tired! Night everyone!
 Adam says: Bedtime! Night!
 Lewis says: Today Drake learned how to walk and talk and tomorrow he learns potty training!
 Holley says: Today Ella learned how to walk and talk tomorrow is potty training!
 Lewis says: Everyone is asleep and i'm up! ADAM! YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE! WHOOPI CUSHION REALLY?!
 Holley says: As soon as i got up i started potty training Ella
 Lewis says: Me and holley are both potty training at the same time!
 Lewis says: Drake and Ella are offically trained!

Thanks everyone! There may or may not be an update tomorrow. Sorry i just had a busy day and so far i don't want to play sims. But i might later. 
- Holley <3