What happened to my sims:
1. Holley completed her lifetime wish!
2. Fabiano learned how to walk, talk, and potty
3. Fabiano completed toddler hood
4. The triplets got on honor roll
5. The twins rode in a limo
6. Brandon went to prom
7. Adam and his girlfriend Marykay went to prom
8. Brandon jokes about being gay
9. Brandon met his girlfriend Betty
10. Brandon beat the crap out of a guy who poured punch on his friend
11. The twins + their girlfriends turned 20 (young adult)
12. The triplets turned 13 (teens)
13. Fabiano is 10 (kid)
14. Hint: remember brandon and the fight. It'll come in handy for what happens on tomorrows update!
Memory: Started Having a Mood Swing
Memory: First Baked Good
Memory: Taught Fabiano Garcia to Walk
Memory: Taught Fabiano Garcia to Walk
Memory: Late for Work!
Memory: Got on the Honor Roll
Memory: Taught Fabiano Garcia to Talk
Memory: Taught Fabiano Garcia to Talk
Memory: Taught Fabiano Garcia to Talk
Memory: Made a New Outfit
Memory: Rode in a Limo
Memory: Went to Prom
Memory: Went to Prom
Memory: Potty Trained Fabiano Garcia
Memory: Potty Trained Fabiano Garcia
Memory: Befriended Celebrity Betty Simovitch
Memory: Become Romantic with Betty Simovitch
Memory: Betty Simovitch Became a Young Adult
Memory: Adam Garcia Became a Young Adult
Memory: Became a Young Adult
Memory: Branden Garcia Became a Young Adult
Memory: Became a Young Adult
Memory: Fluffs Garcia Became a Young Adult
Memory: Pal Garcia Became a Young Adult
Memory: Drake Garcia Became a Teen
Memory: Pat Garcia Became a Teen
Memory: Ella Garcia Became a Teen
Memory: Achieved Surrounded by Family
Memory: _____ Garcia Became a Teen
Memory: Had a Sleepover with MaryKay Shallow
Memory: Went on First Date with MaryKay Shallow
Memory: Fabiano Garcia Became a Child
Some pics from sims:
Here is what everyone said:
Lewis says: I'm coming home early so i can spend my last few days with my kids
Lewis says: The boys are getting ready for prom then fabiano just learned how to walk and talk :( They grow up so fast. I am gonna miss then ;(
Holley says: The twins are getting ready for prom :) Fabiano is about to finish his training :)
Ella, Drake, And Chrissy say: That field trip was awesome. We went to the opera!!
Adam says: Me and Marykay are so in love! I was voted prom king!
Brandon says: Someone poured punch all over my friend and i beat the sh** out of him!
Congratulations: Fabiano has officially completed toddler hood!
Brandon says: its time i come out of the closet.... I'm gay
Holley says: OMG BRANDONS GAY!!!!! I'm so happy for Fabiano <3
Lewis says: the other kids are not going to know that brandon is gay because we don't want our other kids to become gay. Fabiano :(
Brandon says: ok I'm not gay it was just a mood swing sorry! I'm in love with Betty and she actually likes me too! When Adam proposes tomorrow so am i!
Holley and Lewis say: Yay our boys our getting engaged :)
Happy birthday to: Adam and Brandon (young adults, 20) Chrissy, Drake, and Ella (teens, 13) And Fabiano (child, 6)
Lewis and Holley say: Happy birthday to all our kids We love you and are so proud of you all!